How We Help Your Clients

We are thankful that your firm is advocating on behalf of our country’s veterans. As you know, many veteran clients are suffering from service-connected injuries, emotional problems, and multiple other challenges that make it impossible for them to perform substantially gainful employment. Often times when applying for VA as well as Social Security disability benefits, they are denied because they are deemed capable of performing their past employment or alternative employment to include work within the sedentary physical demand category despite suffering from severe impairments.

Over the years, the Evaluators at Clifford Vocational Services have worked with numerous firms providing necessary vocational information that is vital when applying for both VA and Social Security Disability benefits.  Our services, which are listed below, provide valuable tools for analyzing vocational issues and how identified severe impairments create barriers to an individual’s ability to perform substantially gainful employment. 

Vocational Evaluation & Report

A Vocational Evaluation is required in disability cases to document individual unemployability showing how service-connected disabilities prevent the veteran from obtaining and securing substantially gainful employment.  These reports include an interview with the veteran obtaining educational levels, past work experience, and physical or psychological impairment, as well as a review of the entire C file, rationale, and vocational opinion. These reports are being provided on a nationwide basis.  When a veteran’s service-connected disability prevents them from obtaining and securing substantially gainful employment, they are entitled to TDIU, 100% disability rating. Let Clifford Vocational Services provide the rationale for this opinion. 

Transferable Skills Analysis

Transferable Skills Analysis is required when a veteran cannot return to their previous occupation.  This analysis takes into consideration factors such as age, education, past employment, earnings, and impairment, depending on the type of claim that is being filed, in determining if alternative occupations exist and potential future earning capacity.

Job Analysis

Job Analysis is required in determining the detailed requirements of an occupation. This analysis takes into consideration physical demands, educational requirements, and aptitudes and temperaments required to perform successfully in a particular occupation or job site.


If you would like to better understand how our services can help you with a VA and SSDI claim, please contact us today.

Never Lost a Case When He Had Rendered His Professional Opinion

I became acquainted with Patrick Clifford and his wife as vocational experts who frequently testified at Social Security Disability hearings involving clients of mine who had applied for disability. I was impressed by their manner in testifying and their thoroughness. Later I contacted them with regard to their willingness to speak with clients prior to a hearing and render an expert opinion as to whether there were jobs that my client could perform based on the client’s past work history and their disabilities. Mr. Clifford said he would and even agreed to come to my office to interview the client. His fee for this service was very reasonable and I never lost a case when he had rendered his professional opinion the client met the Social Security criterion for total disability. Later, I represented a husband and wife with regard to severe injuries sustained by the husband when he was struck almost head-on by a vehicle that crossed the center line. The wife’s claim was for the loss of consortium. Patrick interviewed my clients, reviewed the medical records, prepared comprehensive reports concerning his injuries and his future medical expenses. Patrick’s reports were essential in helping us negotiate a very good (large) settlement for my clients. I will use him again if the need arises and I highly recommend him to anyone who is need of this type of service.

Roger Tripp

Call Us To Discuss a Case (864) 457-2136