How We Help With Long-Term Disability Claims
Often when it comes to long-term disability, a vocational evaluation is required when physical or psychological injury prevents your client from obtaining and maintaining their regular chosen occupation or any other occupation they may be suitably trained for after short-term disability expires. The Vocational Evaluation of long-term disability involves analyzing the definition of disability provided by the insured, analyzing the individual’s physical or psychological limitations, and their effect on obtaining and maintaining substantial gainful employment.

Denied Long Term Disability?
Sometimes when you get denied for Long Term Disability by an insurance company you are left with more questions than answers. As Vocational Specialists we see this all the time. So we wrote a short eBook “So You Have Been Denied Long Term Disability” on the subject. This a guide to help you when you have been denied by an insurance company after receiving short-term disability. Download Your eBook Today!

Vocational Evaluation & Report
A Vocational Evaluation is required when physical or psychological injury prevents the individual from obtaining and maintaining substantial gainful work activity. This report includes transferable skills analysis of past work activity, analysis of education, age and how physical or psychological limitations could affect return to work in any capacity within the national economy.

Expert Witness Testimony
Evaluators at Clifford Vocational Services have been admitted as experts in thousands of hearings since 1999 by the Social Security Administration’s, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. We understand the criteria and evidence the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review is looking for.

Transferable Skills Analysis
A Transferable Skills Analysis is required when a worker cannot return to their previous occupation. This analysis takes into consideration age, education, past employment, earnings, and disability in determining if alternative occupations exist and potential future earning capacity.

Job Analysis
A Job Analysis is required in determining the detailed requirements of an occupation. This analysis takes into consideration physical demands, educational requirements, and aptitudes and temperaments required to perform successfully in a particular occupation or job site.
If you would like to better understand how our services can help you with long term disability claim or appeal please feel free to contact us.