Veterans Disability
We are thankful that your law firm is advocating on behalf of our countries veterans. As you know, many veteran clients are suffering from service-related injuries, emotional problems and multiple other challenges that make finding sustainable employment difficult. When they apply to the Veterans Administration they are often denied because they are deemed to able to do sedentary work in light of your disabilities. The same thing often applies when they apply for Social Security Disability. Learn More

Social Security Disability
We help attorneys and their clients (claimants) by creating a vocational assessment report that evaluates and reports impairments that hinder their ability to perform substantial gainful employment. Our staff has been approved to serve as Vocational Experts during hearings and appeals with the Social Security Administration. Our years of experience with the Social Security process gives us an in-depth knowledge of what evidence needs to be present in a report for your Request for Reconsideration or your hearing with an administrative law judge. Learn More
If you would like to better understand how our services can help you or your client’s filing a claim or appeal TDIU and/or SSDI please feel free to contact us.